Many people are often sweating, it's not easy for them to wear wig, not only to endure the heat, more importantly a lot of sweating will also lead to wearing effect becomes worse and wig falling off. So how do people who sweat easily choose to wear wig? There are two points to note. First it is wig's choice, the second is the choice of wig tools. The first is the choice of wig. Lace wig with good breathability is naturally the first choice, if conditions permit, full lace wig will be better, the strongest breathability and soft, it can be changed according to the shape of different heads, more fit, at the same time also has the lightweight features, it’s most suitable for people who are prone to sweating. 360 lace wig also has this feature, but the top is thicker. Lace front wig breathability is not as good as the above two, but the main sweating positions of people prone to sweating are mostly in the front, therefore the impact is not great. The above three wigs with large lac...