There are many factors you need to consider before buying a wig, including hair color, hairstyle and the size of the special mesh cap, and one issue that many people tend to overlook: hair density. This is more professional, and you often see reviewers talking about this on social media, but many people don’t fully understand how the density of wigs should be viewed. Now let me introduce to you the problem of wig density. First of all, what does wig density mean? Density is determined in terms of the number of hairs per square inch. For example, a square inch should contain a thousand hairs, so its density is in the thin-medium level. But often buying wigs will not count each hair, so it will also use the weight to calculate. Take a 16-inch long wig as an example, the density of 130 is about 200g, including the weight of the base material. If you buy a wig above 20 inches, if you want to wear it very well, then you should choose a wig that weighs 250g-300g. The density is 130-150%. Kno...
We will display all popular women wigs, soft nature men toupee Teach you how to wear wigs & toupee